How to invest in the current Covid 19 outbreak?
Many experts have given advice on how to invest in the current Covid 19 outbreak. Often experts will give a conclusion that it is too early to say that the virus' threat is over, and to adopt a wait and see approach. If we wait till the worst of any particular crisis has passed and the economy starts to recover, the opportunity will also have passed us by. The biggest difficulty in investing is making a bet on an uncertain future. Prices are always the lowest at the bleakest point in a crisis, where the level of uncertainty is at the maximum. Research has shown that epidemics, terriorist attacks, and elections rarely have lasting impacts on financial markets. - We want to focus on investing into quality stocks and quality ETFs. We want to invest into companies that are large cap, ability to grow and have competitive advantage. - We only want to allocate less than 15% into new investment in this environment. - If we only allocate 15% of portfolio to invest into quality s...