USDJPY pivot tarn boosted
USDJPY trades in a wide range. We propose this FX structure to sell USDJPY at the upper end of the range and to buy USDJPY at the lower end of the range.
FX structure idea:
*USDJPY pivot* Tenure: 52 weeks
Sell strike: 113.50
Pivot: 109.80
Buy strike: 106.00
Knock out: 50 big figure exact
If USDJPY is above 109.80, you will be selling USD10k per week at 113.50. You will sell double if spot is above strike.
If USDJPY is below 109.80, you will be buying USD10k at 106.00. You will buy double if spot is below buy strike.
Knock out happens when you accumulated 5,000 points profit.
FX structure idea:
*USDJPY pivot* Tenure: 52 weeks
Sell strike: 113.50
Pivot: 109.80
Buy strike: 106.00
Knock out: 50 big figure exact
If USDJPY is above 109.80, you will be selling USD10k per week at 113.50. You will sell double if spot is above strike.
If USDJPY is below 109.80, you will be buying USD10k at 106.00. You will buy double if spot is below buy strike.
Knock out happens when you accumulated 5,000 points profit.
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