Soc Gen's CEO Interview

We like Soc Gen bonds. Soc Gen is a bank that has been profitable for the past 30 years.

Besides looking at companies' financial numbers, we like to listen to their CEO speeches and interviews.

In this interview, Soc Gen's CEO had mentioned the followings:

- People in France are supportive of EU.
- Though there are political uncertainty in France, it does not affect business confidence level.
- Economy in Europe are doing relatively well and France in particular.
- Growth and inflation are picking up a little in Europe.
- Bank placed money with Europe central bank are charged interest. The bank does not pass on the interest to clients. If EUR goes back to zero interest rate instead of negative interest rate, that will be good for the bank.
- We need to innovate with technology so we can add more value to clients.
- There are more positive steps in European banking sector.



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